Aesthetics: A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art

Aesthetic Fashion woman by fireplace

They can make a simple outfit go from a 5 to a 10 within seconds. For example, most individuals love the color black, from a simple black dress to a shirt, however adding an accessory can create great outfit aesthetics. My specialties are wearing Hot-Topic clothing chains, either connected to my top, bottom or both; I get super creative with this accessory. In addition, I am the queen of wearing body jewelry; I love it. My creativity runs wild when it’s time to include it within my work, personal styling for a client, or myself. A few hidden gem stores that I buy the majority of my body jewelry from are Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and Ann’s Fabrics.

Green stairs aesthetics

One can reveal their true character through the appropriate aesthetics. I can gauge a person’s personality and vibe through their clothing aesthetics. I think the quickest way to tell someone’s desired normal style is observing what they wear on a regular, casual day. Personally, that tells me everything I need to know about a person because that is their go-to-style.

I am a stylist so I represent myself as such. However, on regular days you will see me wearing my most comfortable garments, such as my “Jesus sandals” (as the kids call it now-a-days *rolling eye emoji*), leggings or sweatpants, athletic gear, a hoodie or army jacket, and a baseball cap. Based on that, you can gauge I am into sports, I am a very laid-back person, and I like to be comfortable and confident in my own skin.

Woman bright aesthetic long hair

A piece of advice for my clients here is: always represent yourself in the best way that showcases who you are as a person and what you want the world to identify you as. Lastly, never feel obligated to fit into a category or work within social norms. Be the bold, unique and weird person. Like I always say, “everyone is weird in their way.” I know I am, and I embrace it and love it!

Beach aesthetic

Creativity is at its peak when you work with aesthetics. There are so many visions you can make when you let your creative side wonder. For previous looks, I have used feathers, fabrics, body paint, picture frames, etc. I am obsessed with the word “Creative” because we all possess unique talents that separate us from others.

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